Policy on cookies
A cookie is a small text file issued by the server of the website you’re consulting and which is recorded on the hard disk of your computer or your mobile device. The cookie contains a unique code making it possible to recognise your navigator when you’re visiting the website or when you make repeated visits in future. Cookies can be placed by the server of the website you’re visiting or by partners this website collaborates with. The website server can only read the cookies it has placed there itself; it has no access to any other information located on your computer or mobile device.
The content of a cookie generally comprises the name of the server which has placed the cookie, an expiry date and a unique encrypted code.
The period this data can be held in your computer is limited to 1 year.
Cookies generally provide easier and faster interaction between the visitor and the website (e.g. a cookie retains the surfer’s chosen language). Indeed, they memorise your preferences and thus enable you to speed up your subsequent accesses to the site and make your visits easier.
Moreover, they help you to navigate between the various parts of the website. Cookies can also be used to make the content of a website or the advertising on that site more relevant for the visitor and adapt it to the visitor’s personal tastes and needs.
The use of cookies requires your prior and explicit consent. You will always be able to return to it later and refuse these cookies and/or delete them at any time, by amending the parameters of your navigator.
These cookies are required to make it possible to visit our website and use certain parts of it.
They make it possible to:
- navigate between the different sections of the website;
- fill in forms,
- securely check your identity before granting access to your personal data when a personal account has been created,
If you subsequently refuse these cookies, certain sections of the website will not function as they should or indeed not at all.
These cookies are intended to facilitate and analyse the functioning of our website and make using it more pleasant and more personalised.
They make it possible to:
- personalise the services by memorising your preferences (choice of language, services, location, etc.) so that you can avoid having to repeat these details each time you visit the site to collect the data provided in the online forms.
- They also make it possible to draw up statistics (e.g. the number of individual visitors) as well as analysing the use of the site and the popularity of our pages.
When you visit our website, socio-demographic data and profile data are collected for anonymous storage in a commercial cookie.
Commercial cookies are installed by advertisers when their advertisement is released. Commercial cookies do not contain data of a personal nature.
They make it possible to avoid your being repeatedly confronted with the same adverts as well as to measure the effectiveness of our various marketing and advertising actions and personalise the advertising in line with your actions on our site.
These cookies are placed via our site by third parties: Google, Facebook, DoubleClick, LinkedIn, Twitter, Act-On, Adform, HubSpot.
They make it possible to improve the content and functioning of the site by using Google Analytics, to improve the dissemination of advertising and/or the content of our partner sites, carry out follow-up on our banners on other sites and optimise them with the help of tools like Adform or DoubleClick.
We are likely to include on our site third-party IT applications which make it possible for you to share contents from our site with other persons or to make known to these other persons your consultation or your opinion of an item contained on our site. This is particularly the case for the “Share”, “I like” buttons used on social networks like Facebook, Twitter, etc.
The social network is likely to identify you thanks to this button, even if you haven’t used it when visiting our site. This type of application button can allow the social network concerned to follow your navigation on our site, simply because your account with the social network was activated on your terminal (open session) during your navigation on our site.
We have no control over the process used by the social networks to collect data connected with your navigation on our site and related to the personal data available to them. We suggest you consult the privacy protection policies of these social networks for the purpose of acquainting yourself with the purposes of the use, particularly those connected with advertising, of the navigation data they can collect thanks to these application buttons. These protection policies are supposed to let you make your own choices on these social networks, particularly by setting the parameters for your usage account on each of these networks.
When connecting to a site, certain data is automatically transmitted to the site by the navigation software used by the surfer. This data contains the TCP/IP address (a number which makes it possible to identify a computer on the network), the brands and version of the navigator as well as the operating system and the last web page consulted.
The data thus collected is anonymous and does not allow you to be identified as a person. Indeed, the information on cookies cannot be linked to a surname and/or first name because it does not contain data of a personal nature.
For more information on the processing of your personal data on our sites : DUCK , customer service, 18 rue Saint Adalbert 4000 LIEGE OR by email : info@duck.be
For more information on our legal and privacy notices
The recording of a cookie in a terminal is essentially subject to the will of the terminal user, which the latter can express and amend at any time and free of charge through the choices made available to him or her via the navigation software.
If you have accepted in your navigation software the recording of cookies in your terminal, the cookies integrated into the pages and content you have consulted can be temporally stored in a dedicated space in your terminal. They will be legible there only by the person issuing them.
If you refuse to register cookies on your terminal, or you delete those that are registered on it, you will no longer be able to enjoy a certain number of functionalities which are however necessary to navigate in certain spaces on our site, such as:
if you attempt to access our content or services which need you to identify yourself,
when we, or our providers, cannot recognise, for technical reasons, the type of navigator being used by your terminal, its language or display parameters or the country from which your terminal seems connected to the Internet.
We would also like to point out to you that refusal to install or else delete cookies which are necessary for good navigation around our site can result in a degraded functioning of our services. This choice which is personal to you is carried out at your own risk and its consequences cannot be considered as being of our doing.
The majority of Internet navigators are automatically configured to accept cookies. However, you can configure your navigator to accept or block cookies.
You can at any time delete the cookies already installed in your computer or your mobile device.
We cannot, however, guarantee you access to all the services on its Internet site in the event of refusal to register cookies.
If you wish to refuse commercial cookies (Google, among others), you can do this using the following web site: http://www.youronlinechoices.com/be-fr/
Within the parameters of your navigator, you can refuse to install cookies. The way to activate the cookies or not and delete them depends on your device and your Internet navigator.
You can configure your navigation software for cookies to be registered in your terminal or rejected, either systematically or by their issuer.
You can also configure your navigation software in such a way that acceptance or refusal of cookies is offered to you each time just before a cookie is likely to be registered in your terminal.
All you need to do is refer to your navigator’s help menu to know how to modify the settings you want for cookies.